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11 Most Endangered Historic Places

National Trust for Historic Places -- 11 Most Endangered Historic Places

The National Trust for Historic Preservation approached us as they were gearing up for their single biggest day of media attention: the announcement of 2014’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places list. In previous years, the campaign’s photo slideshow had caused performance issues… More 

Flood Mitigation Decision Guide

With funding provided by a National Center for Preservation Technology and Training grant, the National Trust needed a way to share their flood protection information with other owners of historic properties. After copying an existing site’s template and styles for the design… More 

NTHP Data Sync Middleware Project

An image of an admin panel used to manage data integrations for nonprofits.

The National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) team spent dozens of hours a week ensuring that data moved between their systems — a manual and tedious process requiring several staff members. They needed a way to connect their online transactions… More 

We’re Proud to Partner With Engaging Networks

The Engaging Networks platform is designed to be easy to use for nonprofits. Engaging Networks Partners have deep experience in many aspects of the platform from campaign strategy and implementation to creation of beautiful experiences and advanced API use. As… More 

How to Choose a CRM for Your Nonprofit

Choose a CRM blog post: Image of boy contemplating two small gift packages in front of him.

We’re often asked how to choose a CRM or what our favorite CRM is … but we rarely answer the same way twice! While we do work with a number of Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) tools, it’s close to impossible… More