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A Website Refresh Gives Sharsheret a Summit Site They’re Proud to Promote

Sharsheret supports Jewish people who have been diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer and their families and caretakers. We’ve partnered with the Sharsheret team on a variety of projects over the years and always enjoy the opportunity to work together.

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Sharsheret’s annual summit brings their national community together to discuss the newest topics in breast and ovarian cancer. It’s a hybrid conference with both in-person and virtual options sponsored by large companies like AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

After building the first iteration of Sharsheret’s summit site a few years back, they returned to us to update and refresh the site with a few specific changes in mind. We worked through a thorough discovery process where we learned updates should be focused on creating a more professional look and user-friendly experience.

Then, our team got to work! We reorganized the homepage to make it a one-stop-shop landing page for the conference, adding speaker content, updating the events section, and reorganizing the order of the sections to improve the flow.

We also updated the virtual exhibitor booths to make them more interactive and professional by making small design changes, organizing the resources, and adding a video section.

The end result is a Summit website that Sharsheret is proud to promote and share with both attendees and sponsors.

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