Unless you’ve been living under a fundraising rock, you not only know about, but have probably already use at least one PayPal donate button. And for good reason: PayPal’s donate options include an embeddable button, discounted rates for 501(c)(3)s, and there’s no need for donors to have PayPal accounts.
Amazon is also on board with payment processing. By now your organization is already signed up so that your supporters can select YOU to receive 0.5% of the price of their eligible AmazonSmile purchases. w00t!
But do you already know about Amazon Pay, Amazon’s low cost payment solution? During the holiday season in particular, an Amazon Pay button could make donating easier for your supporters: it allows them to add a donation to their shopping cart, as if they’re ordering a donation to your organization along with their holiday gifts. When they’re ready to check out, they pay for that donation along with the other items in their shopping cart! It’s so easy to use!
While the fees for these alternative donation options are a bit higher than other merchant accounts, their quick and easy user experience and trusted reputations make them a great option for converting new audiences.