Dark red brick wall



We customized the Jupiter WordPress theme, integrated WooCommerce and an Authorize.net donation form, and added a Form Assembly form to integrate with Salesforce.

Laptop screenshot Laptop mockup overlay
Mobile mockup overlay

Matan is the national voice in Jewish special education, helping Jewish communities create supportive learning environments for children with special needs. This great organization was stuck in an old and feature-light WIX site, and needed a full-fledged CMS to help it continue to grow.

We customized the Jupiter WordPress theme, integrated WooCommerce and an Authorize.net donation form, and added a Form Assembly form to integrate with Salesforce. It was a technological revolution!

Our favorite things about this new site:

  1. It looks awesome!
  2. It uses almost all parts of the powerful Jupiter WordPress template, including parallax features, blog layout, portfolio layouts, team, FAQs, accordions, and progress bars.
  3. We got to use their cool butterfly logo all over the place!

Check out our two favorite pages:

Workshops page:

Impact page:

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