Through conversations with the PCJF team, we developed a plan to create an all-new site for them, developing several custom features that solved major problems from their previous site in enhancing their workflow and providing avenues for their visitors to get to the information they need faster. These features include:
- A large resource library acting as a hub for their major documents
- Boolean search to find specific PDFs and information within documents
- PDF searchability
- News library that serves as a source for new information on current cases and happenings
- Brief banks
- Email templates
The resource library was one of the biggest aspects of our work on the new site, as they needed an extremely robust system to not only store all of their resources, but be able to accurately and quickly retrieve them based on search terms and/or filters. Within the library, we developed functionality for boolean search for PDFs and setup multiple options in ACF that allow users to be hyper-specific in their searches including:
- Search fields that separate documents based on content, excerpt, or title
- Filters that exclude and include resources based on the main topic such as free speech, surveillance, and police misconduct
- Filters for resource type that sorts based on the type as a case document, FOIA, or movement resource
- Options for visitors to sort by date published
The news library is built similarly to the resource library, utilizing the search field and filter functionalities as well as providing space for the PCJF team to feature relevant and new content on the page. To tie it all together with their new site, our team created all new email templates for the PCJF team. These new templates highlight their mission and use their great updated branding to provide their supporters with the same great content with new visuals.
PCJF’s new site allows them to further their goals in enforcing constitutional rights and serve as a resource and news hub for other social justice organizations, lawyers, and individual activists dedicated to supporting democracy.